
Haotai Passenger Transport Fare List Ticket

Ticket type\route 【2011】Taipei City-Hsinchu Transfer Station 【2011-B】Taipei City-Hsinchu Xiangshan Ranch (Chung Hwa, Xuanzang, Yuanpei University) 【2011-C】(via Jiaotong University South Gate) Taipei City-Hsinchu Xiangshan Ranch (Chung Hwa, Xuanzang, Yuanpei University)
Discount tickets 150 NTD 150 NTD 150 NTD
Half ticket (ID required) 77 NTD 79 NTD 79 NTD
Return ticket 270 NTD (2 photos) - -
return ticket 1,250 NTD (10 photos) 1,300 NTD (10 photos) 1,300 NTD (10 photos)
Regular ticket 4,400 NTD (40 photos) -
Student ticket (must show ID) 120 NTD -
Namdaemun discount tickets - - 120 NTD

After 22:30 in Taipei, the discounted ticket price will be restored to the full price of NT$155; in the Hsinchu terminal after 22:40, the discounted ticket will be restored to the full price of NT$155.

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